Treats that exceed the normal realm of deliciousness.
Tony: "Let me tell ya somethin, I F'n love rainbow cookies and canolli ... fuhgheddaboudit"
Jamal: "That ish aint got nothin on my Mama biscuits & sausage gravy with chicken and waffles son"
Sean: "Irish food is the worst, but it's clear that you both fully understand when something is powerfully delicious"
its so simple with little ingredients, but its genius-ly delicious.
"Whats in that?"
"water and kool aid."
"wow, thats ghetto delicious!"
When a food is so bad for you, but is so delicious.
Grilled Cheese and Bacon Tater Tot Waffle what!? That's horrible delicious.
Utterly and undefiantly perfect. The sole meaning of life. There is only one being who has reached this divine state, but He is to be untold.
To wrong is human. To be divine is T-delicious.
The point of exhaustion when sleep is so enticing it's delicious
What an exhausting day, I'm deliciously tired.
When yo girl is so fine and smellin good you just want to bite her
When your girl walks in the room after you haven't seen her all day lookin vicious and smelling delicious because she is wearing that perfume that takes your breath away cause it smells so good and lookin good because she just be lookin good