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Cracker Barrel

Its when you kneel next to the bed while you eat out a girl and you put your hands under her knees and rock her back and forth like a rocking chair so your tongue goes from vagina to ass and everything in between.

Last night he gave her the cracker barrel until her whole body was shaking

by DJL32304 November 19, 2011

91๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

barrel of dicks

A larger than average collection of dicks, usually used in an insulting manner

Dude, seriously, fuck off and eat a barrel of dicks.

by Denis Baldwin December 22, 2003

37๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skeleton Barrel

The useless ballsacks that main this card will get it to level 14 to assert how much they love deep-throating every black dude they come pass. They will always make fun of you for using mega knight, which is queer, but skeleton barrel fuckers can't say jack shit

Friend: HAHA imagine using mega knight you queer cunt
Me: Bro, dont you main skeleton barrel?
Friend: (proceeds to fuck every dude alive)

by yourmotherlikesmen November 16, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Barrel roll

When the aroused bone-ranger deviates from straightness. This is also know as BPS- bent penis syndrome. Seemingly average when flaccid, yet once swole the tummy banana takes a violent sidelong turn and becomes a kidney scraper.

When the skin flute whistles his way west.

Bro with barrel roll:

"Hey gurl!"
Girl that got poked:

"Boy yous be trippin. Yous got barrel roll and now I's got kidney kabob."

Girl to girlfriend: "my furanimal met gonzo last night"
Girlfriend to girl: "bitch! You's saying he's all barrel roll and shit?
Girl to girlfriend: "Barrel. Roll. And shit. Weapon of ass destruction"

Fap fap fap till he get all swole
Sneaky snake do tha barrel roll
round da back shoots de yogurt troll don't console it's just me barrel roll shit be mazing!

by Vanilla gorilla September 2, 2014

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Barrel Snuffing

To no scope in a first person shooter, such as call of duty, or halo

noob A: wow look at this kid barrel snuffing
noob B: you mean no scoping?

by uncledrunkie December 19, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

barrel reins

A tpye of reins used by barrel racers and pole benders.

I got some new barrel reins just in time for the rodeo.

by candy mountain September 19, 2008

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Barrel of shoelaces

To be useful in any situation.

Wow that guy was a real barrel of shoelaces! He helped us alot!

by douggie886 January 23, 2011

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