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Colombian senses

When niggasenses are not sufficient. Colombian senses add the additional thought of threat or cocaine could be around

My Colombian senses are telling me this is a place of no good people.

by November 23, 2023

Colombian Manicure

A torture act performed by mafia/cartel members in South America by removing the victims entire finger nail from their fingers. Pliers are mainly used to pull out the nail.

“We call this a Colombian Manicure”

by kaunka June 28, 2024

22👍 4👎

Colombian Snowblower

When your eating cocaine out of your partners ass, and they fart causing a cloud that looks like snow being pushed out of a snowblower.

Dude I was eating nose candy out of Tina’s ass, when she farted giving me a Colombian snowblower

by Mplostinkorea May 20, 2023

Colombian Sewer

The Colombian Sewer - A sex move where a person sniffs cocaine ( a drug prominent in Columbia) off another persons ass crack after doing anal - there may be feaces over it and it may stink hence the name Sewer.

E.g "Hey Dave, how did you get on with that bird last night? "
"Bro she said do the Colombian Sewer, i did't want to but i was too drunk to care."

"Bro thats nasty."

by Bornator January 24, 2018

Colombian landslide

A post-coffee shitusually with a sense of urgency

Dude that cup of coffee I just had tasted like it was brewed with toilet water…I think I feel a Colombian landslide coming.

by Clever Satan February 13, 2023

Colombian tie

When you got the throat, just under the jaw and pull the victim's tongue through the hole, making the tongue hang like a tie.

This punishment is typically used by drug related cartels in South America and Mexico

This guy stole my dope, I might have to punish him with a Colombian tie.

by Xevetixn September 1, 2022

colombian powderkeg

n. - The act of placing a candle next to your partner's ass, then blowing crack into the candle, creating a large fireball that torches the ass.

Boy: Hey Suzie, wanna try the colombian powderkeg?
Suzie: What's that?
Boy: You'll have a hot ass after I'm done 😏

by The Vladiator April 28, 2017