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Private Enemy

Someone you don't want your girlfriend to have sex with.

I don't want John to fuck my girlfriend. He's my private enemy.

by IBLAZEBUGLES October 21, 2017

Haters and Enemies

Originating from a Los Campesinos! newsletter released July 22nd,2024, about their newly published Album "All Hell", the term Haters and Enemies refers to the people who have it out for you and wish for you to fail

"Our motivation is that such a success would really stick it to our Haters and Enemies." -Gareth Paisley

by HolySmoke(2008) November 4, 2024

tc enemy

stumblechat is the enemy the website tinychat.com

the tc enemy is stumblechat

by imakegob00m911 August 22, 2023