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Stroke of Genius

When one gains epiphany while masturbating.

"(Fap, fap,fap) wait, wow. I never thought of that. I just had an epiphany while strokin' it"

Dude 1-
"Bro, I was jerkin it yesterday and suddenly figured out the meaning of life."
Dude 2-
"Sounds like you had a Stroke of Genius"

by Pathetic Limbo August 2, 2015

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Penis Genius

A Penis Genius is often (but not limited to) a girl who can do fantastic, funky things with a penis, resulting in pleasure that's off the chart. It is popular opinion that a Penis Genius must be a slut. Incorrect. A Penis Genius is more often than not a girl who is very conscious of her actions, the sort of "only doing things when i love him" kind of girl. The sort of girl who you must make your girlfriend before she reveals herself as a Penis Genius.
Note: A Penis Genius can also come in the form of a homosexual male.

Dude 1: "Hey dude! Your new Girlfriend seems nice, haven't seen her at many parties though, how is she?"
Dude 2: "Absolute Penis Genius!"

Dude: "Nice new boyfriend man."
Gay Dude: "Gosh he is just super. Fabulous with my penis. Total Penis Genius"

by Squirtle&Charmander September 10, 2011

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super genius


Hey Spencer I heard you got a 94 on the test! You're a genius!
Yeah but Shannon got a 98, she's a super genius..

*cries softly*

by not-a-super-genius May 23, 2011

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mac genius

A person who does tech support at an wordapple store/word. Works at the genius bar.

Teh new Mac Genius at the SoHo Apple Store is really sexy :p

by teh_applegoddess July 8, 2003

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Urban Genius

The Urban Genius is an inner city hustler who has freed self from the status quo, beating the odds of a system designed for failure. Levitating to the challenge of creating diversity in one's options. The Urban Genius has become what they least expected, even surpassing the opposition; those haters who seek to keep you down. The Urban Genius is animate and thriving, one who has survived the test of time.

In the face of social implosion, the Urban Genius does not "stress" out, but "stretches" out and encompasses all possibilities, siezing opportunities to create spiritual health and wealth within.

by Bishop T.D. Smith February 11, 2006

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Penius Genius

Someone who thinks with their penis

Charlie Sheen is a penius genius, he thinks with his dick.

by casualpunk May 28, 2015

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Lyrical Genius

A rapper named Spiccious part of the group HalfBaked.

-When someone creates a line in a song that was so amazing that it changes people outlook on live and make people actually see god through the lyric in question

Spiccious: "Eat your bitch like my name is Hannibal."

Person who doesn't know what rap is: "Wow, that was the most amazing lyric I have ever heard! You are a true Lyrical Genius."

Spiccious: "I put lots of time and thought into that one line. Thank you for seeing the true greatness."

by รกngel March 26, 2018

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