Graham b is a special guy who is sweet and soft and always considering your needs. He’s very handsome with floppy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes and a happy smile. You’ve never met anyone and silly and fun and graham b. He is tender and able to show unconditional love and care.
Graham b is my b and he means a lot to me.
A closeted republican politician working to suppress gay rights or sexual freedom in the name of "family values".
A gigolo just outed that conservative senator from South Carolina. You know, I always suspected he was a graham cracker.
When a white and black person fall in love they’ll make a graham cracker kid
ms graham loves autocad
ms graham also loves solidworks
finally, ms graham LOVES AUTODESK 3DS MAX
when your trying to say graham cracker and fail miserably
person1; can i have a graham craper- i mean- graham cracker
person2; 0-o