"this game is dogshit"
sounds like a proficiency problem to me
A narcissist who blames other without looking at themselves.
I'm the problem? I'm the problem? no You're the problem!
Refers to the natural phenomenon that if you have a problem, no matter what it may be, if you go online, someone is selling something to fix your issue.
Person A: I can’t believe someone actually made sleeves for your can if soda!
Person B: You know what they say: If there’s a problem there’s a product!
The counting problem is also known as "Tarski's revenge."
It stands alongside two major problems in mathematics called the "compositional-unit problem" and the "unit-of-measurement problem." It is trying to determine how many points there are in an object.
Tarski's nihilism indicates that infinity plus an uncountable number of exterior points equate to an infinite number of points.
This is the solution to the counting problem.
A NON-Tarski object has the uncountable points on the INTERIOR surface with the infinite points; indicating that Godel's incompleteness theorem is stating that mathematics is unable to count the uncountable set of Tarski-points if they lie to the interior of the surface.
When one loves bad bitches so much on public FM radio that one has a fucking problem.
"Yeah, I like to fuck. That's a frobbin problem."
A phase for police in Hong Kong to use. Police use this phase to reply foreigner if foreigner asks police question with english or other non-chinese language. Using this phase allows police to get away from the conversation.
Hong Kong police ; 'Hey! You there! Who are you?'
Foreign Press : 'My name is Brian, wht's the problem?'
Hong Kong police : 'Brain Problem?'
Foreign Press : '???'
Hong Kong police : '???'
Conversation end
The definition of someone ( like an engineer) who refuses to back down on a problem until a (lesser) person such as yourself has to prove how much of a moron they are.
I tried to tel him that wouldn't work and he got mad at me until I explained what his brainular problem was and proved it !!