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Booster Seat

A sex act in which a man will recline the drivers seat of a car, then a woman (or another man, if thats how you roll) will proceed to get on top of said man and drive while engaging in the act of sex."

"Dude is that a sling for your cock?"

Ya, we got rear ended while doing the booster seat, no pun intended."

alligator fuckhouse donkey punch strawberry shortcake angry pirate cincinnati bowtie blumpkin cleveland steamer dirty sanchez tony danza

by YouSick&$#@ March 18, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Booster Seat

If a person is in the sitting position and needs to elevate themselves they can use fecal matter to help. A person must excrete fecal matter in the sitting position and it causes the person to rise in the seat. The booster seat often causes a squirming sensation.

I went on a dinner date, the girl was taller than me do I had to give myself a booster seat.

by Teamcletus September 7, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pink seat

When a female is on her period, her period blood soaks through her pants and leaves a pink, or red, mark on the seat she was sitting in.

Guy 1: So dude, did you ask her out yet?

Guy 2: Nah, i saw that she left a pink seat when she got up to turn her homework in during class, and it was a total turn-off.

by browntrousers February 21, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

spray on seats

The unusable rear seats in a small sports car.

"cant you pick up Jo and the kids in the Porsche?"
"No, It only has rear spray on seats"

by sug172 May 15, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wrigley Seat

The seat at an event you always seem to find yourself in. A seat where directly in front of you is either a pillar, or an obnoxiously fat or tall person. The obstruction is set in such a way that you cannot see what is going on. The worst part is something truly amazing happens, and you can't see.

It is a reference to The Cubs Wrigley Field, where this is the case with every seat, every time you go.

Tom: Did you see that point in the concert where those two naked chicks totally started making out on stage, and then the monopoly guy started throwing free money out into the crowd, and then Jimi Hendrix came back from the dead to rip one killer last riff...

Dave: No, I had a motherfuckin Wrigley Seat...

Tom: You poor bastard.

by Justin 2122 December 7, 2009

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Hot Seat

To charge an absorbent seat cushion by filling it with ass gas, only to leave and watch as an unsuspecting victim sits on the seat, discharging its noxious fumes.

N.B.: One must use only well cushioned, cloth seating surfaces in the act of hot seating. Leather and vinyl will simply deflect the rectal poisons, gassing the rookie conspirator.

Why did Professor Johnson just run out into the hall, crying?

Oh, I hot seated his desk chair before class. It must have been a bad one; I ate some dried apricots this morning.

by jp April 9, 2005

51๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Seat Baby

The fruit of a healthy natural relationship between a lady of child bearing age and a toilet seat adorned with random male jelly jewelry.

"No I don't know my dad, I'm a fucking Seat Baby"
"You can't microwave a kettle you fucking Seat Baby"

by synackle September 23, 2008