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Poking holes

When someone talks during a movie / play, ruining the suspended belief of everyone near the person.

Kind of like poking through the delicate imagery of one's imagination to remind them that "that's so fake dude".

John couldn't shut his mouth for the entire movie, he kept poking holes every time someone got shot.

John: "Wow the blood is so fake"

by saketehcruel June 17, 2012

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poke attack

gathering a group of people and having them all use facebook's poke feature to overload that persons page with pokes

When John dumped Sara, she gathered everyone she knew and poke attacked him out of retaliation.

by creeperpeeper November 5, 2007

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stroke and poke

Its when a guy is jerking off with one hand (stroke), while simultaneously putting a dildo, finger, or desired object up their own ass (poke).

Guy 1: Man I think I am gonna give my self the good old stroke and poke tonight.
Guy 2: When did you get a dildo?
Guy 3: No, I just use my finger.

by gundamshark June 19, 2015

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Poke (virtually)

To poke some one virtually means that you push a button on a website that says "poke". Often you would be able to poke other people.

The "poke" button is a very annoying and stupid application that can (and will) drive people crazy.

Poke (virtually)
Emil pokes Andrea because Emil thinks he is cool. Andrea pokes Emil back.
For every time Emil pokes Andrea, Andrea gets more and more pissed.

At some point Andrea will rage and poke even more. Finally Emil will get so pissed he pokes Andrea for real in both her eyes so she cant see the "poke" button anymore.

by CELSDK October 5, 2011

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Poking Guts

A humorous and exaggerated way of expressing how deep a guy goes in a girl.

Dude 1: Oh man I slammed that chick so hard last night, I went in so deep I was poking guts
Dude 2: Shibby

by Cesar Arroyo February 15, 2008

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inside poke

When sexual intercourse occurs and it is kept secret between the parties involved, and possibly a few close friends.

Riley: I had sex with Sofia last night at her crib.
Ryan: Dude, that's awesome!
Riley: Yeah but don't tell anybody, it's an inside poke.

by Criler August 19, 2009

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poke squid

Hawaiian slang for sexual intercourse

dey fell in love. den dey wen poke squid and nine months later...

by Haole Boy August 13, 2003

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