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Crowbar Therapy

Therapy involving a crowbar in which one gets beat the shit out of to drain the body of Bullshit. This is often used in modern day therapy and is the frontier to modern day therapy. P.S. This is great for those people who are just full of shit.

I'm gonna give you some crowbar therapy its legal cuz you signed shit that you shouldn't have signed. LOL this is gonna be fun......

by CrowbarTherapy November 30, 2016

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Whoremoan Therapy

Visiting prostitutes to ease getting over a bad breakup.

It's been tough couple of months since Lisa dumped me but the whoremoan therapy is really starting to help me get my groove back

by arbeit March 22, 2013

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A group of 5 friends who claim to be completely mentally & emotionally stable but are just a bunch of chums who are on the brink of crying over the slightest thing...

(The name first emerged from five friends Sherab, Sharon, Pema, Eliya and Nyidon)

Eg: "It's not like we're Therapy Freaks.... Or are we...?"

by theworstscorpio May 13, 2021

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Go to therapy

Go to therapy is a term you use when someone is very hyper, energetic, or excited.

Amber couldn't stop laughing, so her best friend John told her to Go to therapy.

by CalmUrselfMrTherapy March 3, 2019

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maintenance therapy

treatment of a disease by using medications or using modes of therapy like physiotherapy and chemotherapy over a period of time until the disease is cured.

DOTS is a maintenance therapy for TB patients.

by uttam maharjan May 23, 2010

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Pillow therapy

to cut a hole big enough to put your penis in so that you could fuck the shit out of it. (You can also do this Pillow therapy with your mattress.)

John had some pillow therapy last night.

by Justin February 15, 2005

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therapy done with the help of a 'partner robot'....for ageing people in Japan.

Mr. Zaki parked his auto infront of the golden-age club for yet another session of robot-therapy.

by hytham_hammer July 5, 2005

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