Source Code

Strawberry Time

In Japan "Strawberry Time" is when a young couple have first started dating and they are loveydovey

Where are Jane and Jim? "Strawberry Time"

by torridgirl August 14, 2011

258πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Morbin Time

What Morbius says when it is time to morb all over someone. It is often followed by 'i just morbed'.

...it's morbin time.

by i just morbed June 14, 2022

It’s Morbin Time

Last thing you hear before you get morbed from toes to shoulders.

The morbing guy: It’s Morbin Time
A: *Tries to escape the unavoidable morbing*

by g_LemoNN April 9, 2022

166πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

modelo time

A time of the day where a person and his/hers homies are having a good time while drinking Modelo. (Originated from Passdapookie on instagram)

Example 1:

Foo1: β€œAy foo what time is it?”
Foo2: β€œ12:37 AM”

Example 2:

Foo: β€œAy foo did you see the new modelo time video?”

by foo_who_drinks_modelo July 29, 2018

210πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

cod timing

When you look in a direction then look away for a brief second only to be be shot where you originally were aiming.

Tom- β€œman this is such crap, I turned my head for like a second”
Dan-β€œCOD timing bro”

by j BiLLiGaN October 9, 2020

53πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The clock by which Nikolina runs- approximately five minutes behind every other normal human being's clock.

I called Nikolina to let her know I was here and she said, "Be out in two minutes." Five minutes later, she arrived on Nikolina-time.

by ED113 May 17, 2012

Tap Time

Tap Time is a sacred ritual ceremony carried out by any plethora of individuals.

Person 1 : Do you know what time it is?

Person 2 : It's Tap Time!

Person 1 : This breeze is stupendous

by frigginbackside December 3, 2018

30πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž