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Dirty Trinity

When a woman lures you in with her amazing beauty, only to be drugged in your own home and wake up with an open bottle of lube in your ass, house robbed, and a shit in the kitchen sink.

Derek: {visually angry with tears in his eyes}
Jason: What happened to you last night??
Derek: I'm not sure, I took this gorgeous babe home and she pulled a Dirty Trinity on me
Jason: oh my! She shit in your sink too?? What'd she take??
Derek: yep, the footprints are still on the counter and she took everything!!! Plus, my ass still hurts!!!

by PervHirt August 29, 2019

68๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Trinity

Three condiments most found at American backyard cookouts: ketchup, mustard, and pickle relish.

Bob: "What can I bring to the party?"
Earl: "I got the all the meat, buns, chips, and pop already."
Bob: "You got condiments?"
Earl: "Just the American Trinity. Can you bring some salsa?"
Bob: "Done."

by citiz3n February 15, 2010

Ho Trinity

The Ho Trinity is the exhibition of muffin top, camel toe and cheekage leakage simultaneously.

That chick has the Ho Trinity going on. Someone give her a mirror!

by Lostie September 5, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trinity Girl

Trinity girls have contemplated transferring at least twice, they are insecure about their school but at least they don't go to Fenwick...Trinity kids rep River Forest harddd and dgaf about other schools. They drive shitty cars and are just rich enough to be called rich. They claim they hate it their cause there aren't boys but somehow Trinity girls have the most guy friends. Trin kids have a mental break down if they get a 94 and they can't throw parties but go to everyone elses.

"Lets go to Johnnies" " Where are you going 3A/3B?" "Are you in IB?"

Meg: "Are you catholic?"
Trish: "No.."
Meg: "I thought you went to Trinity?"
Trish: "yeah...i do"

Trinity Girl

by lolidontcarehaha May 23, 2019

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The Wholely Trinity

The spiritual, mythical, msytical and human creators of 'Drink Club'.

Philosophers, theologists and geeks throughout the ages have tried to determine if such utterly awesome and good looking "gods" ever existed. To this day "The Wholely Trinity" has been deemed as real as a man with no head, or as "just plain out there" as a nightmare with Santa Claus in it where he's wearing one of your shoes.

The debate continues... Some ask: "What's the pint"?

And so it was that from the 2nd to the 8th days The Wholely Trinity doth createth Drink Club for all to behold in awe and even more awe their ability to etch'o'sketch, create, and organise. Andeth in so doing so they hath demostrateth their ultimate powers, knowledge and classical good looks.

by Lobda Bollokov August 11, 2009

unholy trinity

i have just completed the unholy trinity.. i advise you to never do this.. the unholy trinity consists of three pictures on the internet. #1. tubgirl- an asian female in the bathroom with her anus above her mouth spewing orange enema fluid into her mouth.

#2. goatse- a man stretching his anus at least 6 inches in diameter with his hands. after seeing this look up the 8 stages of goatse online.. they are quite funny.

#3. lemonparty- 3 old men having a gay orgy.

if you see this and ur eyes dont explode and u can still get a boner after.. you are a god

if u masturbate to all 3 of these.. you need to die

a:Dude look at these pics.
(a. sends pics online to his buddy b.)
(b murders a)

Dude have u seen the unholy trinity?
ok good NEVER look at them

by kill me i just saw the unholy trinity September 10, 2006

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Trinity School

Bunch of wankers who think they are hard but are 4ft6 and suck off their nans. All the girls are more orange than a traffic cone and are fridgid twats. If u smell weed start running unless you wanna catch chlamydia from a clapped Year 10.

Do you go to Trinity School?
You must be on the offenders register then

by yourmumscrotum April 2, 2020

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž