Because blow ‘job’ sounds like work
Ken: How about a blow vacation?
Lady: I don’t follow
Ken: Doesn’t a blow ‘job’ sound like work?
Lady: Well then... *gulp gulp...*
The fake illness one contrives when they get back from vacation but do not want to go back to work.
Francine's week-long vacation got extended by a few days as a result of the vacation flu she contrived when the alarm clock went off.
A person who upon commencement of vacation plots to negatively impact vacation activities when they do not get their way or if a group agreed activity is not to their liking. This can be in the form of faking an injury or Illness, mentioning multiple times that they are ready to go, generalized complaining, being rude and/or being in a generally disagreeable mood. Often the vacation terrorist is not financially invested and is the child of another vacation goer. Most commonly found between the ages between 16 - 25.
Did you have a good time on vacation? No, my sister brought her vacation terrorist who moped and complained until she made us all miserable because she didn’t get her way.
The vacation terrorist struck again! She refused to leave the bathroom until her makeup was perfect and we missed the shuttle to the park.
when you go on vacation and all the girls appear to be hotter than the girls in your hometown, usually because you're only paying attention to the hot ones. (applies to day trips as well)
A: Dude I got Vacation Syndrome cause the ass here is ridiculous!
J: lol did it give you yogurt pants?
A: You know it, there are NO ugly chicks here!
Unlike the typical American vacation, a British vacation is where you announce to everyone you will be away whilst you will in fact be around the whole time annoying said people and not actually enjoying any vacation.
Gully Announces: I shall be on vacation this week Guildies and will be unavailable until January 1rst.
Next 6 days: Annoys the shit out of everyone in his guild channel, and spend most his days changing shit on the server while on his British Vacation
The period of time when you get back from a vacation and you are still completely lazy, don't do any chores, respond to text messages... etc.
Hey does John hate me or something? I haven't heard from him in weeks!
No it's all good, he's still Vacationing Down.
Being brutally, murdered by serial killer with a butcher knife
I really hope my principal has a good vacation