Can be a cool guy. Very tall is ok at basketball. Good friend, Has a smoking hot girlfriend despite being an ugly bastard
Lanky as fuck.
Is used to describe someone who is tall but with no athletic ability
dude you're an absolute Daniel Welsh, You're 210cm and can't touch the net
If you have fun/regret doing the action about to take place
Do you want another drink?
Might as Welsh!
Having sex with a girl & her mother on separately occasions.
Eric did ‘the welsh shepherd’ by having the mutton and the lamb.
Mr welsh is an annoying gay bitch who loves eating little kids. He keeps at least 20 of them at a time to keeps his hunger low. he loves sex and enjoyes having a good fuck. he has a massive penis and even bigger muscle. We all hate a good mr welsh
The welsh are a group of people who bang sheep till they die and begin to rot.
welsh is a description of jibberish where nobody can understand what you’re saying
Friend 1: djrndifnendifnsnekfjfndjej
Friend 2: what language is that
Me: probably welsh