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world of warcraft

The latest gaming atrocity produced by the infamously uncreative and consumer-unfriendly Blizzard, in which you play as a character in a massive and oftentimes lag-ridden world, performing endlessly redundant quests time and again in hopes that you'll achieve that elusive 'Level 60', where the game supposedly actually becomes fun. You have several races and classes to choose from in a ridiculously unbalanced classful character development scheme, but regardless of what class you choose, you will inevitably be outdone by the also infamous race-class combination, 'Tauren-Shaman'. Not unlike Blizzard's by-gone hit Diablo 2, you will also spend endless amounts of time looking for the best gear in the game, due mostly to the fact that this game, like most games of its kind, is gear and level centric, as opposed to being based upon skill. A very weak strategic element is present as well that few players seem to be capable of wrapping their brains around, in spite of the fact that there are step-by-step guides to every quest for every class available online. It is also worth noting that players must pay a monthy fee of fifteen dollars in order to play this terrible, bug ridden game. (Fifteen dollars isn't much, but the author of this definition wouldn't pay fifteen cents to waste any span of time playing World of Warcraft.) Also bear in mind that the game frequently suffers 'exploits'; bugs in the game that players utilize to quickly gather money and resources, or to quickly defeat opponents. Taking advantage of an exploit of any kind - including standing on the roof to avoid monster attacks, European servers only, and engaging in the active harvesting of money and valuable objects, also known as 'gold farming' - may result in an unconditional ban. Contesting said bans will result in a slap to the face. In other words, World of Warcraft and its success are both proof that gamers today have absolutely no taste.

"World of Warcraft sucks. Go play a real RPG, like Nethack or Rogue."

by Wonderbread72nd July 7, 2005

66๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

A collection of homofucks from all over the world that say "Apparently this blah blah blah, and apparently that" USING THE FUCKING WORD APPARENTLY TO MUCH.

Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick

by Cockboy February 14, 2005

117๐Ÿ‘ 418๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

A MMORPG that is compared against every other MMMORPG is existance.

n00b: "Hey, check out this this new MMORPG, it's better than World of Warcraft."
n00b2: "This free MMO is much better than WoW"

by Alex225 February 4, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

i play both games, but switched to GW since i have school and dont have cash to play wow
A game that is in constant battle with Guild Wars. Most WoW players say that Guild Wars can suck WoW's balls. Most GW players say that WoW can suck GW's balls.
Let me shed some light on the subject.

Graphics: GW wins

Huge-ness: WoW beats Gw in da face(altho that can change when gw2 comes out)

quest system: Gw wins fare&square, in wow the quest are as boring as my mom's wooden leg

Economical: gw wins, altho the 15 bucks per month is crap

Players: in GW most towns are really empty, and are very isolated, so people who dont want to do missions in the town, just go to Kamadan or some other capital.

Mature-ness of players: when i played wow i met some really cool people, most of them over 16(means theyre cool) but the ones which are -16 are like idiots who spend their time laughig at you when you get killed since theyre 48 levels above you

overall, both games are equal. please, stop arguing like dipshits over which game is better. THE GAME THAT IS BETTER IS THE ONE WHICH U HAVE MORE FUN IN, and that counts for you and you only!
Thank you for your cooperation

WoW: omg wow totaly pwnez gw in da fukin face go get a life boooon
GW: lol u waste ur muny on stupid crap liek dat gw has better graphisicis and the ppl arent 11 years old booncaek mofo!

World of Warcraft is cool.
Guild Wars is cool.

by i playes guild wars's October 17, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

An extremly shitty ass game that is boring as hell...........u pay to fish every month....a game that is nothing compared to guild wars

Omg i just got guild wars.......Fuck World of warcraft.

by Slickback_Teh_Pimp May 15, 2006

65๐Ÿ‘ 229๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

A game where nerds think they are cool enough to say such bad things like "Fuck you nigga" or"Bitch im lvl 70 and your lvl 19 i could own your mom in bed" or some bull shit like that some times cool people play it, and they get to addicted and turn into fat greasy nerds, and they can dance -_- and has 2 expansion games already and people are getting ANGREH because they want to play it so badly that they look up the internet all day long to just try to find one wow leak or the new expansion and, wow has commercials where they must of payed the actors over 10000$ just to be in one commercial such as Mr.T or that dude from Star Trek and other people yet to come.

World of warcraft is like weed in a computer :D, side affects are you get acne, you may lose your girl friend or you may never get one, you may lose your friends and get online friends and ask a docter for the rest

by Narutoismeh February 24, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

is sexist!

when kiefer got a tiger they only had guy tigers. that is sexist. now his tiger is named raquel even though it is a guy. world of warcraft needs to be less sexist and have girl tigers too because girl tigers exist in the real world!

by dr. fuckel February 8, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž