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blunt wreck

(n): when, while passing two blunts in a circle, the blunts both reach the same person at the same time, so one person is holding two joints. you must then inhale both at the same time. and everyone has to laugh and be like blunt wreck. they collide.

(when reached by two blunts): aaah blunt wreck!

by mells February 27, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wrecking Ball

The act of taping the Penis to the stomach. Than proceeding to swing your ball sack like a pendulum into another persons face.

Tea-bagging is for pussies, instead, destroy her face with a Wrecking Ball.

by therealfuckingchibi February 3, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

wreck up

pissed; drunk. can describe an action (getting wreck up), or a state (I am wreck up)

Let's get wreck up!

It's wreck up Thursday.

I was so wreck up.

by Babymother February 10, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wrecking Ball

When you attempt to fit your balls into a girls pussy or asshole

I came in like a Wrecking Ball

by FingerPuncher May 29, 2017

Desantisaurus Wrecks

Prehistoric politician who destroys everything in his path.

Jurassic World: Floridian Nightmare, now featuring the destructive Desantisaurus Wrecks!

by TheRockObama October 19, 2023

Weekend Wreck

One who's life completely falls apart over the weekend.

Not in every instance, but in most, weekend wrecks are caused by far too much time watching music videos of One Direction or Justin Beiber. Children who are exposed to these types of obscenities too early in life often become weekend wrecks. Usually weekend wrecks are also associated with a reverse weekend worrier in that they worry about Saturday and Sunday all week long.

Wilson: Dang, Justin's life is probably over after this weekend. He got aids so many times he probably won't be able to recover.

Andy: Man that sucks...it really sucks to see him be such as Weekend Wreck. Is there anything we can do for him?

Wilson: I don't know man. Once you got the Aids you are done for. You pretty much become a Weekend Wreck for the rest of your life. But we can ask him though...

Andy: Alright!!! Hey Justin is there anything we can do for you man?

Justin: I love AIDS!!!!

by UNOWN301 May 19, 2014

white wreck

The act of holding in diarrhea until you have massaged the prostate enough to ejaculate.

Shawn was running through the mall to find
a restroom, when he finally made it he had a White Wreck

by DebraLee October 15, 2022