A company who had a long epic fall from grace, involving toolbars and spam and is now owned by Verizon who seem to be trying to buy all the old internet companies before they die
Do you use Yahoo!?
It put a annoying toolbar on my browser and its search is terrible
The wailing cry of a young executive soon to be laid off from a company that was once worth over $125 billion.
They're cutting 20% of our workforce, and I'll be one of them... (sniff) yahoo!
The dead and horrible quality mail service. Mostly for old people. Also the design looks like crap.
Man: "What's your email?"
Man 2: "man@yahoo.com"
Man: "We're not friends anymore."
"PULL A YAHOO!" = To create a lot of hype around something--really build it up (like Yahoo! Photos and Yahoo! 360), get large amounts of people interested, even "hooked", then close up shop, runaway, then hide behind legal rhetoric all the while still building themselves up to be hip, new, wonderful, fresh...
Sentence: "Gregory put tons of photos on Yahoo! Photos and a lot of time and energy into "Yahoo! 360. Yahoo shut both down. After moving to other sites, I fear that my new web services might "Pull a Yahoo!" and do the same thing as Yahoo!"
"I sure hope Multiply.com don't pull a Yahoo!"
To create a lot of hype around something, get large amounts of people "hooked", then close up shop, runaway, then hide behind legal rhetoric all the while still building themselves up to be hip, new, wonderful, & fresh...
"Gregory put tons of photos on Yahoo! Photos and a lot of time and energy into "Yahoo! 360. Yahoo shut both down. After moving to other sites, I fear that my new web services might "Pull a Yahoo!" and do the same thing as Yahoo!"
Sentence: "I sure hope Multiply.com don't pull a Yahoo!"
when mario haz gun lol
you's doomed
Mario: Walks in with gun
Me: "Ruh roh its the yahoo with gun
Yahoo Answers is a place where people can give their honest answers to people's honest questions. Whether the answers are correct or not, is of course not guaranteed, because they can be given by anyone.
When liberals see answers on Yahoo Answers they don't agree with it, they start shit talking / shit posting, which causes them to get violation notices and such. Because of a general lack of understanding from the average liberal, he/she/it sees this as propaganda, simply because the site does not allow people to badmouth people's honest answers.
A guy asked a (somewhat dumb) question. When a liberal talked shit to that person, the liberal got a violation. Now the liberal calls Yahoo Answers extreme right-wing propaganda, also known as, Yahoo Propaganda Answers.