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George Bush

Master Mind of 9/11 and former President of the United States of America

Shit man Trump was elected President.
Oh well tweet George Bush a pic of trump tower...let him do his thing.

by MLG_quicksc0p3r November 24, 2016

george bush

a ridiculusly stupid person

our president is an idiot

by irishmoron August 16, 2005

158๐Ÿ‘ 285๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

Fuckface who enjoys killing innocent people. The "w" in his name stands for wanker (George Wanker Bush). He is followed around by his dog Tony Blair, who just goes along with whatever GWB does... He is a dickhead who does not deserve life and should go to hell. He's a racist dickhead who is fucking up the world.

George Bush: What do you feel like doing today, Tony boy?
Tony Blair: I don't know sir. Whatever you want to do!
George Bush: Do you know what? I feel like killing a few Iraqis. Let's get the troops ready, shall we?
Tony Blair: Oh yes sir!

by *Mimz* January 4, 2006

113๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

See: Whywehatebush.com

" 1. Bush and his oligarchic companions sabotaged American democracy so they could pillage taxpayer resources.
2. Bush and his cabal of henchmen lied to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, and they continue to obfuscate the truth while their companies cash in, Iraqis suffer and American soldiers die.
3. Bush is bad for business and the economy. He is only interested in enriching himself and his friends.
4. Bush is bad for the future. He is compromising the prosperity of tomorrow's America by shortchanging today's children.
5. Bush is bad for the environment.
6. The Bush Administration has manipulated the media to the point of undermining the Constitutional guarantees of a Free Press.
7. Bush has tried to undermine the United Nations, a democratic institution created in large measure by Presidents Eisenhower and Truman. Without even understanding what the UN does, Bush has called it "irrelevant" when it fails to fall in line with his dictates.
8. Bush is inarticulate and projects a stereotype abroad of Americans being ignorant and myopic.
9. Bush torpedoes global agreements on everything from racism and global warming to biological weapons and land mines, and then expects the world to line up behind him.
10. Bush took positive patriotism and global support in the wake of 9/11 and forced it behind his own narrow self-interest in Iraq. He hijacked 9/11 for his own benefit.
11. Bush stands against everything America stands for.

Basically, America isn't an ally of George Bush.

by Anonymous June 18, 2006

108๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

A Republican president who opened up a very large can of whoop-ass on the Crybaby Dummycrats.

Al Gore, John Kerry, Mikey fat ass Moore, Al Chode Frankin,

Al>> George Bush cheated! Waaaa!! He stole the election...
George>> Fuck off you Queef!

by Zoook January 7, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

When a person acts as if they have no brain. Can also be used when a person is a drunk bastard and a coke head. See retard.

Homey G 1: Wadup foo, ain't america da best state eva?

Homey G 2: Nizzle, you gotta stop george bushin, fo shizzle.

Me: Werd.

by Abdizzle May 26, 2005

154๐Ÿ‘ 281๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

the dumbest oil baron on the face of this planet and should be taken out of office and raped by an elephant and the taken out back and butt raped by billy bob from prison thats all

george bush nuff said.

by HarleyHorton March 29, 2004

111๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž