When you toke the fuck up consisently
My boy Veggie Brian is out sparking up again as we speak.
When you give a girl a wedgie in the front.
Daaaaamn, did you see Aisha give Yasmine that veggie? Damn near cut her in half!
A special E.D. crippled orphan
Tyler- “Yo bro why you gotta be such a Veggie Tale bro”
Jayden-“A what?”
To absolutely destroy someone’s penis, either oral or anal.
Holy shit dude, stop shredding veggies
Often seen as a term of endearment; this word could mean:
1) one who eats a lot of vegetables.
2) a vegetarian who happens to be a slut
3) a playful name for a friend who happens to be a vegetarian
4) someone who eats a wide variety of veggies
Kelsey, the vegetarian, was called a veggie slut after cheating on her boyfriend