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the bisexual version of fruity

omg she is so veggie

by andrew supremacy 🛐 May 9, 2021


A vaginal wedgie.

She pulled up so hard on her thong and gave herself a veggie!

by Mr.Hardeep October 31, 2018


When you toke the fuck up consisently

My boy Veggie Brian is out sparking up again as we speak.

by Butahh bro May 3, 2022


When you give a girl a wedgie in the front.

Daaaaamn, did you see Aisha give Yasmine that veggie? Damn near cut her in half!

by nullifiedhumanoid June 8, 2018

Veggie Tale

A special E.D. crippled orphan

Tyler- “Yo bro why you gotta be such a Veggie Tale bro”
Jayden-A what?”

by Tim’s Internal Testical (TIT) December 17, 2021

shredding veggies

To absolutely destroy someone’s penis, either oral or anal.

Holy shit dude, stop shredding veggies

by アイウエオカキクケコ June 9, 2024

Veggie Slut

Often seen as a term of endearment; this word could mean:
1) one who eats a lot of vegetables.
2) a vegetarian who happens to be a slut
3) a playful name for a friend who happens to be a vegetarian
4) someone who eats a wide variety of veggies

Kelsey, the vegetarian, was called a veggie slut after cheating on her boyfriend

by i love turtlez May 25, 2011