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Someone who doesn't actually use the word they're defining in the example, or don't use it in a way that conveys the meaning.

Yo, I was on Urban Dictionary last night, and none of the examples made sense. What a bunch of idiots.

by isanynamenottaken August 11, 2009

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The singular of idiot (the plural form).

I am an idiots. (c.f. I am stupids.)

by NcjW October 8, 2008

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People that put a persons political views or personal beliefs in the definition of idiot.

I think (insert political preference here) is an idiot.

by Anonymous July 7, 2003

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Critters (humanoids) that adhere to the religious concept of Intelligent Design, i.e. creation of life on Earth as described in the old testament.
The belief is presented as a theory, but lacks any substantiation based on observation or logic.
Also, wrongly, described as IDists by more timid souls.
To find out more look in different ScienceBlogs and Expelled Exposed.

There are dimwits, fuckwits, and then, on the bottom of the food-chain, the IDiots.
The IDiots' new spokescritter is the Ben Stein, a jewish god-whore.

by shonny May 2, 2008

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1)A person below normal intelegence
2)A perswon that was dropped on their head at a very young age

Dumbass fucknut cumbubble bunghole Assfucker

by Fuck Marlyn in da butt! August 5, 2003

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Someone whom impersonates an educated individual.

This idiot actually thinks he/she knows what they are talking about - let's kick thier ass.

by John Madsen August 19, 2005

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1.Person who posts a meaning bashing something they have no factual information about
2.person with nothing better to do then sit around and try to make a joke out of bad things that aren't funny

Person1: Its hard to believe some idiot would post something that horrible
Person2:i know he has no idea what its like to lose someone close to you

Prior Lake
A city in Minnesota in which the majority of teenagers commit suicide before they graduate from high school.

Only 5% of kids from Prior Lake High School graduate because the rest of them are dead.

by Kathryn Curtis October 15, 2007

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