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Less advanced

Little or amount of progress made in a persons development due to a delay or other.

I am less advanced compared to Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein is more advanced than me. I am less advanced in Spanish.

by TheAwesomeJUNK December 5, 2022

advanced learning


I defenetly are not cheating. I just lerning in the advanced learning technique.

by SigmaLigma February 23, 2023

career advancing move (CAM)

A CAM (Career Advancing Move) is the way in which one persists with drinking with work colleagues - to the point of a CLM (career limiting move) and then from that point to not stop drinking once you get to that stage, but continue to the CAM stage. This is of course more effective if the people around you should also be boarder-line inebriated.

Wow, that guy was so drunk that he just pulled off a career advancing move (CAM).

by Shortnjocular March 10, 2015

advanced nibba

Is a gay boi that can shove things up his ass, but he will stay at your side if you want to hold his ding a ling

Hi my Advanced nibba, How are you?

by My nibba December 18, 2017

advanced hiroshima

when one sticks a firework into their partner(s) anus and lights it

x: "wanna try some advanced hiroshima"
y: "let's go get the fireworks"

by velocity3v March 22, 2022

Advanced Stranger

Similar to the stranger. The Advanced Stranger is the masturbation technique where you place yourself on a bar stool, trap your NON-DOMINATE forearm under your thigh and curl your wrist upward to jerk off.Preforming this technique offers A LOT of sensations. Numbness in that extremity, compression of chest cavity to limit breathing (autoerotic asphyxiation), you may see STARS due to blood being rushes to your head from leaning over, all while trying to maintain your balance. CAUTION: this technique may result in injury and/or death and cause Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome, or TMS.

PARAMEDIC: How did you crack your head open? ME: i was preforming the ADVANCED STRANGER and leaned over to far, striking my head on the corner of the counter top. PARAMEDIC: that explains all the blood and semen on the floor!

by Dougtwin September 16, 2017

Advanced Search Warrior

An advanced search warrior is a kind of clout-chaser on social media, most typically Twitter, who uses the advanced search function to find everything a person has ever tweeted/posted through keywords and posts it out of context in order to cast them in a bad light.

Occasionally this is done to highlight serious statements/opinions and is actually fair criticism, but it's often used dishonestly to make false comparisons in order to paint someone as a hypocrite, or just to take cheap shots at people to get loads of likes during a dog-pile, possibly not even making any sense in the process.

It often accompanies screenshots with captions like "Dis you?" or is used in L memes.

"Oh look, he's found that edgy joke I made in 2016 while I was drunk and is using it against me in an unrelated discussion, he must be an advanced search warrior."

by Veinmire December 26, 2022