Source Code

Bate Weight

Refers to the popular work out device "Shake Weight" by it's true name. When used it very closely resembles the act of Male masturbation or "Bating".

Dude what is that?! It looks like your jerking off a robot.

It's a Bate Weight. What, it's a great way to stay in shape..

by Seisure January 16, 2011

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jail bate

Jail-bait refers to someone, who is often promiscuous, that is under the age of consent. JAIL BATE refers to when a prisoner sticks his penis through the bars of his cell to be jerked by a prisoner in the neighboring cell. It's when hairy palms are expected and going blind is someone elses problem.

I'm in prison for messing around with jail bait, but now earn two cigarettes a day by giving jail bate to my neighbor.

by far November 28, 2007

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a noxious cocktail, consumed by NEDS, CHAVS or other antisocial groups of young deliquents , especially in Counties Armagh, Down, and Antrim in Ireland, and parts of Western Scotland. Made by mixing cheap strong cider and Buckfast Tonic Wine (aka Coatsbridge table wine)

A: Shoulda seen the state of that wanker Kevin at the weekend.
B: What happened?
A: The buck eejit floored a bottle of Bate-the-wife, and then fucked a brick through the window of the police station

by Seattle Brian February 3, 2009

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bate master

An expert at self gratification. An expert masturbating expert.

Yo holmes check out Dan tha bate master esay. He can get full release in under one minute all by himself.

by Keith the avid bait master August 5, 2010

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A shit-bade is where a male takes his lap top computer to the toilet, takes a shit, and then proceeds to masturbate while sitting on the toilet full of crap. sometimes a courtesy flush is necessary.

Every day at 4 pm, Johnny always SHIT-BATES.

by johnnyshitbates August 10, 2010

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the form of masturbation while haveing a telephone conversation.

When I'm on the phone with Cara, I love to conversate-a-bate.

by Richardgayfaggotfruit April 12, 2008

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David Bates

A wacky conductor with epic facial expressions. Has an amazing girl range, can go higher then sopranos and lower than the base. He makes everyone lol and is so embarrassing. He has worse floppy hair than Hugh Gant.

Person A: 'OMG!!!! He has a very high voice'
Person L: 'Does he have floppy hair?'
Person A: 'Yhh he makes everyone lol so bad'
Person L: 'Hes a David Bates'

by John Smith233 October 9, 2011

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