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Dick Cheeze

A made up thing a girl named Morgan says her boyfriend Matt has.

My boyfriend gets dick cheezea sweat around his balls that I love to drink

by Gimme my juul back May 23, 2018

the real cheeze

A fucking good person who is really good at Fucking your girlfriend

The real Cheeze stole your lady

by BraesonK the cheeze February 3, 2016


A swear word, that when said loudly in public increases your chances of dieing in gang related "accidents" by 150-600%. Not to be said around large groups of dark skinned people.

"What was that?"
"Those damn skin-diseased aliens are taken our corn again!"
"F*cking cheez-nitters!" *Gets shot*

"Oh cheez-nit!"

by Fear in a nutshell July 23, 2008

Cheeze borbor

A ... diffrent way to say cheese burger :/

"Can i haz a cheeze borbor plz"

by DumbDumbMeLOL May 20, 2024

Cheeze borbor

A ... diffrent way to say cheese burger

"Can i haz a cheeze borbor plz"

by DumbDumbMeLOL May 21, 2024


noun used to refer to a partially White, partially Asian person, based on the fact that they are a cracker, but are not white

You fucking mixed-race Cheez-it, nobody loves you!

Nobody likes burnt Cheez-its, so you should stop roasting me.

by NotUpSideDown November 12, 2017


A person you enjoy almost as much as the baked cheesy snack cracker itself.

Look there's Cheez-It.

Right right. He's suck a cracker.

by joy powder February 22, 2017