A rare specimen of Apeius Fuckuglius. The Sambo that actually can support a family. These are rare and sightings number in the teens since records began in 1486.
Dave: How are you and the family, Winston?
Winston: we are all great. I'd love to chat but I must start work, I have a family back in my mud hut to support. I guess I'm a Coon Bench.
sand nigger, a derogative term used to describe any one of brownish tan skin and of arabic descent
Osama Binladen is the biggest buck futting dune coon alive
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A car of a type popular with negroes. In Philadelphia, this would be a Crown Vic with a lift kit and absurdly large rims
See that car full of spooks with the spinning rims? That's a real coon coach
One of the oldest domestic felines. Originally thought to be from Maine and consisting of half raccoon (according to folklore due to the raccoon like tail). Characteristic of a dog since they follow your every move and are very large.
Meaux is a Maine Coon, NICE! "BBBLELAOUW!"
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A Coon Slab is a very annoying person who, no matter how many times you tell them, will not shut up. A Coon Slab can be anyone, boy girl, white black, tall short, whatever. If you tell a Coon Slab to shut up, they will only get more annoying as the day progresses. The best thing to do when you encounter a Coon Slab is to annoy them. If you engage with a Coon Slab, they will set you as their target. Once you are targeted by a Coon Slab, there's no escaping. The only way to get away form on of them is to not be within a 100 foot range of them for a prolonged time. They will hopefully forget about you and you can carry on with your life as a normal citizen of the United States, Britain, or whatever count you reside in.
10 year old: Hey Gina. Hey, hey Gina.
Gina: What?
10 year old: Guess what?
Gina: What?
10 year old: Your short! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG IM SO FUNNY!!
Gina: Oh my God you're suck a fucking Coon Slab!
From a Brooks and Dunn song "Hillbilly Deluxe". Coon Smile refers to a raccoon smile. When a raccoon smiles it looks a little cute, but a little devious at the same time. No racial references are applied to "Coon Smile"
Couple Kids, Sweet thing driving a fastback
Shoot em Coon smile
Hoping that they smile back.
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derogatory word for middle eastern people
Hey that dune coon is getting away with your camel
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