The mental capacity to create original ideas to create or invent something.
Man, this dude has a lot of creativity!
The act of taking part in self generated or organised creative process/es, whether that be as an individual or part of a group, club or business. Particularly if the creative act is using the imaginations of those involved.
Come and see the wide range of creativities we have on offer.
What Liz Lemon has in 30 Rock!
"Creativity to me is just like..its like a a friendly bird that embraces all..ideas and just like shoots .. out of its eyes all kinds of beauty.." - Liz Lemon
Creativity is the essence of inventiveness, so survival, so life.
There's a hole in front of you but you can't go around it. You must create something solid to cross the gap.
The process of thinking what's you have to do in order to cross that gap is called "Creativity".
A un-talented ROBLOX developer creating nothing but 'DOORS' projects. Known for having the worst games on the platform, also known for copying other DOORS related projects. Fails to moderate his discord server, and bans members for breaking 0 rules. Also known for being an annoying hypocrite.
Man, creatively roblox games actually suck ass.
C3, a school full of weirdos
Also Ms. Pam’s the best
Creative Colaboratory Charter School is a long ass name
Someone who is creative but doesn't know what to do with their life or what they are passionate about.
I am a dysfunctional creative.