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brown eel

when a girl is anally riding u cowgirl style and she farts and shits on your dick and then she slides off and uses her shit as lube as she gives you a footjob and then wipes it all over your chest

that bitch gave me the brown eel last night and i almost had to wife her

by BigFatHairyBallz69 October 11, 2018

Mentally eel

An imaginary fish

"i have a mentally eel friend"

by Soot LeCat April 1, 2022

slimy eel

A slimy eel is when you jack off in the shower with shampoo for lubricant and than keep going untill you shock yourself.

take shampoo and rub it on ur cock in the shower for a while u get a slimy eel

by creeper911 January 16, 2011

wrestling your eel

Another way of saying Masturbating, wrestling your eel

Guy 1: What did you do yesterday?
Guy 2: I was home alone, guess
Guy 1: You were probably wrestling your eel all day
Guy 2: Yeah

by Cokra January 8, 2016