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chatsy fella

A sound fella

Yup Jimmy maughan u Chatsy fella

by lol567hh December 10, 2022

hungry fella

when the ass apears to be eating whatever the person is wearing, usually spandex or loose material made pants.

that fat bitch that just stood up has a hungry fella.

by button January 18, 2005


Bro-fella (n.) refers to a male person (also known as a fella) who is extremely close and endeared to someone, almost like a brother.

This term is a hyper-recent iteration of the term bro, and is used commonly by young people between the ages of 1-29.

I wanted to sleep with Stacy so bad, but unfortunately she doesn't see me that way and now I'm in her bro-fella zone.

Bro-fella, how about you and I start a business together?

I've known Jim since I was nine and a half years old, and he is my bro-fella.

by January 15, 2022


Bro-fella (n.) refers to a male person (also known as a fella) who is extremely close and endeared to someone, almost like a brother.

This term is a hyper-recent iteration of the term bro, and is used commonly by young people between the ages of 1-29.

I wanted to sleep with Stacy so bad, but unfortunately she doesn't see me that way and now I'm in her bro-fella zone.

Bro-fella, how about you and I start a business together?

I've known Jim since I was nine and a half years old, and he is my bro-fella.

by January 15, 2022