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May the fourth be with you

International Star Wars day; also a day when Star Wars fans from across the globe spread their knowledge on Star Wars

Be strong young Jedi. May the fourth be with you!

by Dubiks May 4, 2019

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May The Fourth Be With You

Something teachers say because they think they are funny and cool!

Brittany: Oh my god Roni! The teachers think they are so cool! Like May The Fourth Be With You! Like shut up!
Roni: Yahh! Like stop! Seriously! Like today!!!

by French Tips May 4, 2019

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The Fourth of Jew-ly

One night when Hitler was done smoking a fat blunt, circa 1937, he decided to kill a group of Jews with fireworks, instead of the usual method of gassing them. This event was ever officially documented, but is commonly referred to as "The Fourth of Jew-ly".

Happy The Fourth of Jew-ly!

by JamesCurry June 1, 2016

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Ruins of the fourth wall

See Ashes of the Fourth Wall

ROTF is now known as AOTF.

by Saiyara December 30, 2004

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T to the Fourth Power

Too Turnt To Talk

TTTT= T^4, T to the Fourth Power.

Guy: Hey remember me?

Girl: No, sorry...how do you know me?

Guy: i met you at a party and i was trying to talk to you but you were T to the Fourth Power that night.

Girl: no wonder i do not remember you at all!

by thisisanitaj December 15, 2010

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FCS or Fourth Child Syndrome

When one's parents forget it is your birthday because you are the fourth child. They have celebrated the other three kids birthdays, and told you about it, but forget yours.

I am thinking of calling my parents tonight to remind them it is my birthday---but then they will feel bad they have forgotten it. That is the essence of "FCS or Fourth Child Syndrome".

by Auntie N September 18, 2010

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Thot Theory of the Fourth Dimension

Theory that states and defines the question of why men pop random boners.

The theory states that when you encounter an awkward/random boner in any given time or place, it is solely because in the fourth dimension, a thot is riding you, but in result of the natural phenomenon being in another dimension, you cannot witness this firsthand with your own eyes. The only physical act you feel is having a random boner.

There have been numerous cases of people who believe they can perceive the fourth dimension, that have "witnessed a thot ride them" in a location where no one could gain access to in the real world, such as a house or bedroom.

Other encounters include people stating that these mythical thots riding them "so hard they almost pulled me into another realm of concience and time".

"Man, why do I always pop a random boner in class?"
"Woah man, your out-of-dimension-thot is into that kinky school girl stuff"
"Yeah man, have you ever heard of The Thot Theory of the Fourth Dimension?"

by MushroomTippedHead5000 December 2, 2017

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