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Garrett Smith

Garrett Smith is the best looking southern man alive! With all his great and successful talents he is good at everything! He is an amazing mechanic and welder and is one of the best drivers on and off dirt. Garrett Smith is also known for his amazing looks, and is good enough and respectful enough for any woman the follows his lead.

Hey do you know Garrett Smith? Yea is he the hot southern boy who banged my mom? Yea that him!

by Cleatus Smith November 8, 2021

Pyles Garrett

The sexual act of shitting on someones chest and then clubbing them like a baby seal with a football helmet

Dude I totally gave her a Pyles Garrett last night.

by Avetso December 1, 2019

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Garrett Glencoe


Its me Garrett Glencoe

by Me dumby head September 18, 2018

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To cut and colour one's hair in an unusually bad fashion.

Nice bleach job, Darlene...pulling a Garrett are we?

by lostc February 7, 2005

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A cheeki fookin coon

"He just told me to shove a massive Bambi splinter in my urethra, fucking Garretts"

by A Fucking Cunt December 9, 2016

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Garrett Lawson

A person who never knows what he is talking about and nobody ever listens to them, they usually tend to have very small penis’s and have old men clothing style. They wear new balance shoes that old people wear and are only 5’0 if that.

Dude you see that person standing over there, he’s such a Garrett Lawson

by Garrett Lawson May 1, 2019

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garrett vanhollerback

a little farmer boy that kills stuff on the farm with a bb gun. he even has his own horse that he rides to school everyday

wow bro you are just like a garrett vanhollerback!

by frhgvkjhq;vrnjcf;l May 22, 2019

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