Source Code

gee mod

what you call "G-mod" or "Garry's Mod" when you are new to games like that

random dude: I'm gonna play my first sandbox game it's called gee mod
joe schmoe: It's Garry's Mod or G-Mod for short

by attibot July 10, 2020

Sam Gee

A Sam Gee is a type of person who is vertically challenged but however can be very scary at times. A Sam Gee can also be a delusional pedophile that likes his youngest brother.

You see that boy over there i heard he’s a Sam Gee!

by Henz05 April 13, 2020

gee whillakers

Something white people used to say in the 1950s. Typically used now in a sarcastic fashion.

"Gee whillakers, mister, I'm sorry I scratched your brand new Bel Air!"

by outinleftfield April 7, 2016

Sandpaper Gee

Niall's old bird, has a moustache, three bumcheeks and a gee lined with sandpaper, along with a bad case of the stupids.

Maaaaaan, thank god niall dropped that bitch, what with her moustache, sandpaper gee, three bumcheeks and bad case of the stupids.

by Fingers Sinclaire March 26, 2007

Inner Gees

Where individuals, particularly as part of a fun/sports day, channel their fun side, interact with others, have fun, and ooze with positive energy and intent.

Wow, Gary really channeled his inner gees today!

by FastGate March 24, 2022

Kay Gee

A form of acknowledgement in the Walpshianese language.


"Kay Gee."

by Thejudge00 July 28, 2020

Matty Gee

someone who is incredibly stingy and instead of buying lube, uses shampoo or conditioner instead. Matty is a fat faggot who enjoys rimming people and performing the cleveland steamer. He is an asshole

p1: dude who is that guy?
p2: i know, he looks like such a Matty Gee

by Jimmehalmighteh May 16, 2011

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