Source Code

guinea, goomba, wop, dago

Italians are not white, dude

Uh, Italians are not white. They're like their own race.

by hmm April 19, 2005

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Guinea Pig (Movie)

A sick twisted Japanese movie about 3 guys torturing the crap out of this one girl. She is beaten, deafened, spun to the point of brain damage, and she gets a needle shoved in through her temple that comes out through her eye.

It was hilarious.

(KID 1) "Did you see guinea pig (Movie)?"

(KID 2) Yeah, I threw up"


by James Shinro March 11, 2011

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

steaming your guinea pig

Taking matters into your own hands

It is needed for steaming your guinea pig.

by mr. mere bohnen August 31, 2009

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guinea, goomba, wop, dago

Derragatory slang terms for Italians. Guninea: Stands for the Guinea African Coast, Implying Italians are not white (completely untrue!).
Goomba: Italian word for Godfather, Implying mafia connections.
Wop: Stands for Without Papers, as many Italian immigrants coming in from Italy to America did not have papers. Dago: Not sure.

"You think im some goombah housewife with big hair and big jewelery??"
"You dirty wop, go back to Naples"
"You stupid Guinea, go back to Africa"
"What up dago?"

by mikey ambrosio February 8, 2005

274πŸ‘ 274πŸ‘Ž

Pheasant-faced Guinea fowl

A β€œPheasant-faced Guinea fowl!” is an insult that is thrown about in disgust towards people that are stupid or uneducated. This phrase is usually met with the response of β€œhogwash you buccaneer!”.

Jenkins and friend:

β€œTither, Thither, Jenkins! I do believe that man is quite the pheasant-faced Guinea fowl I believed him to be!”
β€œQuite right ol’ matey look at him strouthing around like a lesser-man”
Pheasant-faced Guinea fowl:
β€œHogwash you buccaneer! Prepare yourselves for a dashing round of fisticuffs!”

by Johnny87479 May 31, 2018

New Guinea Couch Elk

A reference to a female that has the same odour of Elk. The New Guninea Couch Elk can mostly be found eating while watching tv on the sofa. They sleep most of the day and feed during the late night hours.

I walked into the room and there before me sat the largest New Guinea Couch Elk I had ever seen.

by Henry Boggins August 29, 2006

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guinea pig of one's own demise

what someone becomes when he or she goes out on a limb to try something new or risky and ends up having his or her plan fail completely.

Theorizing that the more I studied, the worse I do on tests, I didn't study for my comp sci test and I failed. I was the guinea pig of my own demise.

In Spider-man, when Norman Osborne conducted experiments on himself that lead to his insanity and death, he was the guinea pig of his own demise.

(variations of "guinea pig of one's own demise")

by mbriones January 26, 2012

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