The act of litteraly ripping clothes off one's own body. The clothes are normally very old and no longer wearable in public or in extreme cases even around the home. The garments usually rip off very easily. Most commonly performed by straight, single men, as they are the most inclined to wear old, worn out, filthy clothes. Hulking out of clothes that are too tight is a common ritual for people still growing and/or gaining weight. Closely related to going party boy jackass style.
These shorts hurt my nuts too much, that's it I'm hulking out.
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One day Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks started pumping iron. It resulted in the MAGA hulk's creation.
Uncle Ruckus:I'ma take some roids, get some testosterone replacement therapy, and serve the great Donald Trump. I think I'll call myself MAGA hulk.
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When a man ejaculates onto his fist and punches a Man/Woman in the face
I was with this girl last night and she kept screaming during sex so i Hulk Smashed her and she quieted down.
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After having passionate sex with a woman, a man rises up, rips his remaining clothes off, screams, and beats the shit out of her.
Dude, last night I totally hulked out Jess. I didn't even bother taking her to the e.r. It was awesome; bitches ain't shit. Hulk out
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This is what you do when you don't have any form of underwear you can put on. So you just put on some jeans.
"aw man, I don't have any underwear. Guess I'm Going Hulk again"
The process of dwarves or midgets turning into the hulk. However due to their size they do not exceed the height of a normal person. Hence mini-hulked.
Christine goes Mini-Hulk when people tell her shes short.
Go Hulk (GOE-hullck)
To grab someone by the ankles and smash their face or head, depending on the way they grab the ankles, into the ground several times—at least three—by whipping their body above the head and back down on the ground so their head or face smashes first, followed by their body going limp, paralysis, and if done correctly, immediate death. This is then followed by petting a small furry animal as if you’ve done nothing wrong and walking away with your head held high.
Amanda - “hey, do you guys wanna snort some aspirin I crushed up to look like drugs?”
A few minutes later...
Jenny - “why is Amanda dead?”
Jeff - “she offered me fake drugs and I had no choice but to go hulk on her.”