A fairly rare breed of human which have a high level of intelligence as-well as great physical abilities.They can fit into all social groups but prefer to keep to themselves
He’s such a geek with his comic books but he’s also pretty good at sports and is ins shape he must be one of those hybrid geeks
Adult male hair on the top of the head grown long beyond typical corporate standards during the pandemic and kept while gradually returning to the office.
Did you see Bob's new hybrid hair? It's not easy to notice on the video conference calls, since he pulls it back into a ponytail.
An animal that crosses, mixes, or breeds with another
When you see a hybrid animal in a book or imagine one, you might think, “What name should I give this animal?” Believe it or not, there actually are all sorts of hybrid animals that do have really funny names:
Liger ( Male Lion + Female Tiger)
Tigon (Male Tiger + Female Lion)
Zonkey (Zebra + Donkey)
Jaglion (Male Jaguar + Female Lion)
Geep (Goat + Sheep)
Grolar Bear (Polar Bear + Brown Bear)
Coywolf (Coyote +Wolf)
Zebroid (Zebra + Any Other Equine)
Savannah Cat (Domestic Cat + Serval)
Wholphin (Male False Killer Whale + Female Bottlenose Dolphin)
Beefalo (Buffalo + Cow)
Hinny (Female Donkey + Male Horse)
Narluga (Narwhal + Beluga)
Cama (Camel + Llama)
Dzo (Cow + Wild Yak)
Leopon (Male Leopard + Female Lion)
Mulard (Mallard + Muscovy Duck)
Żubroń (Cow + European Bison)
Wolfdog (wolf + dog)
But some animals don’t exist, and you can even make up your own:
Porkulion (pig + porcupine + lion)
Cluckster (chicken + rooster)
Beefard (cow + geopard)
Cockaroo (rooster + kangaroo)
Baarantula (sheep + tarantula)
Honeybug (honeybee + ladybug)
Shoodle (sheep dog + poodle)
Catfisher (catbird + kingfisher)
Dogon (dog + dragon)
Velotops (velociraptor + triceratops)
Kangarex (kangaroo + tyrannosaurus rex)
Porse (pig + horse)
Leodon (leopard + pteranodon)
Goractyl (gorilla + pterodactyl)
Quack-a-doodle-cluck (duck + rooster + chicken)
Roar-a-woofle-doo (lion + dog + rooster)