A catchphrased used by Patty, a recurring character on the popular cartoon series Family Guy.
An overweight, red-headed, tartan-pant-wearing slob, a slight speech impediment makes it sound like that when he sarcastically announces that something is a "big whoop", puts up his dukes and asks if you "wanna fight about it".
Patty: "(Your wife and her ex-husband have) got time to bump uglies. That's right, I said 'bump uglies'. Big whoop, wabba fibe aboub ib?"
Asian Correspondent Trisha Takinawa: "How did you like the (Family Guy) movie, sir?"
Patty: "Eh, It sucked. Big whoop. Wabba fibe aboub ib?"
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The most extreme possible form of a combination of both urolagnia (urine drinking) and coprophagia (feces consumption), Lesbian Immaculate Body Service (IBS) is the consumption of lesbian human urine and feces directly from the urethra (pee hole) and/or anus (asshole) of a Lesbian Dominatrix/Mistress into the consuming lesbian's mouth and swallowing it.
Typically, and Lesbian IBS Dominatrix has been trained in precise bladder and bowel control and is able to produce mass quantities of her female liquid and solid wastes into her lesbian slave's mouth at will.
Additionally, a Lesbian IBS Dominatrix has full mastery of her daily diet giving her the knowledge of what foods and liquids to consume, when to consume them, in what quantities and order to consume them, and can accurately predict the exact day (and usually time of day) their related feminine urine and feces will be excreted from her genitalia.
It should be noted, the most proficient Lesbian IBS Dominatrixes (usually found in Amsterdam, Paris, London, Bangkok and Las Vegas) can even predict the detailed textures, colors and smells (and intensity of those smells) of their feminine bodily excretions.
Lesbian IBS Dominatrixes can charge large fees for these activites, up to $5000 an hour depending on her virginity, age, beauty, abilities, bladder/intestinal capacity and fame. Some of these ladies even charge by physical measurement (ounce, pound, quart, liter, gram, kilogram, etc). Fees may be paid by consuming lesbians, spectators, slaves or a combination of any or all.
In 2008, it was rumored Paris Hilton and Carmen Electra were each paid $1,000,000 for a week of lesbian bondage, forced hot-piss enemas and Immaculate Body Service by a rich 26-year-old socialite and her sexy mom from Washington DC.
Audrey: What is the first thing I need to do to get ready for our lesbian sex with Paris and Carmen? I really want to impress them both. They are soooo sexy!
Judi: You are NOT having any SEX with them, my dear little girl! Instead, Paris, Carmen and myself will be using you as a Lesbian Human Toilet. I have ordered Paris to also bring her Lesbian Queening Stool.
The best thing you can do, Audrey, is stick your slender fingers in your mouth and vomit up all the food in your girl-stomach right now and get ready to be filled with a million dollars of Hollywood star excretions. Paris calls it Lesbian Immaculate Body Service (IBS) !
Audrey: Oh my god!, the thought makes me SICK!
Judi: Good, just the thing to clean out your digestive track!
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One of Milwaukee’s top leading high schools. Those who go to this school are often praised by parents and other people outside the school for being part of the International Baccalaureate Programme. Although this school is seen as a holy ground for a bright future graduates who want to have a great shot in college, this place is purely a breeding ground for snakes, thots, and other malicious students.
Ever since the Class of 2020 arrived, this school has been slowly falling apart with the chance of being admitted is much more higher compared to those who tried to get into this school in the past.
This school has some pretty hot girls though, but your chance with being with them is so low due to the fact that 99% of them consider the guys to be too immature and stupid.
Person 1: Damn that girl over there is hot as hell!
Person 2: Don’t even bother she goes to Ronald Reagan IB High School
Person 1: Thanks for saving me dude, no one knows exactly goes on inside that school!
Person 2: Yeah, that place is full of judgmental fucks who think they’re surperior because they’re IB
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Post IB Stress Disorder, or PISD, is a short period of time after finishing IB, the International Baccalaureate, which manifests as: intense irrational stress, nightmares, delusions, and traumatic episodes which resemble the feeling of having more exams or IAs due in a short amount of time.
Paul: Oh man, I had a horrific nightmare last night… I dreamt I had an exam this morning and I wasn’t prepared.
Nicole: Shi you probably have Post IB Stress Disorder (PISD).
An IB accent is usually seen amongst IB graduates. It is an international accent that is somewhat similar to mid-Atlantic/transatlantic accent. However, the difference is that you also hear pain and agony in their accent and voices as a result of IB. If you hear a mid/transatlantic accent and sounds dead inside, yep, you’ve spotted the IB accent.
I sound international and dead inside, I have an IB accent.
its a noun ver and an adjective you can use it however you want
are you ibbing me
your out of your ibbing mind
a man that takes care of his women and does whatever he has to do for his family and he very very very sexy
"ibe is my MAN"