Source Code

Minute to win it

When you don't have much time to masturbate, and if you don't finish really quickly you'll definitely get caught, but you do it anyway.

"Alright it's 6:58; I don't have much time before my parents wake up, but I'm super horny. Looks like I have a minute to win it.

by heyitsfranklin69 September 25, 2015

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30 minutes

The minumum amount of time needed for the average human male to recharge.

Cindy: "I'm so horny right now! John, why can't you get it up?!"

John: "Sorry Cin, it hasn't even been 30 minutes since I banged your sister, Kate."

Kate: "Trust me sis, it'll be worth the wait!"

by halfhourharry March 27, 2012

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Finn Minute

1. A unit of time equal to 10 minutes of real time.
2. Used to describe time taken by Tim Finn to perform tasks.

"He said he would be only 20 min and its been an hour, he is taking Finn Minutes."

by Ed Crane April 21, 2005

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20 minutes

An indefinite unit of time.

About the time it takes to do something.

-"When is the exterminator arriving to get rid of those ants?"
-"In about 20 minutes"

by FlagyMcFlay July 27, 2019

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milano minute

The amount of time one sets aside for oneself to take a break from their worldly troubles and enjoy a delicious Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookie. :)

Guy #1: Hey, Guy #2, can we go ahead and 'crush' those files I mentioned earlier?
Guy #2: Hold your horses, Guy #1; I need a milano minute.

by RickBaideia January 30, 2012

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The actual time it takes to download or install data as opposed to the time estimation given in the progress-bar dialog that accompanies the process.

According to this dialog, it will only take two more minutes to install the program. (Five minutes later) The program has to update. Now it says it will take another ten minutes to finish installation. Those are not real minutes; those are Microsoft-minutes!

by Michael Gaston May 13, 2012

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a minute and a half

a very long period of time. like a minute, but longer.

Running into your boy from high school:
Him: "Yo, it's been a minute son!"
Me: "Dog it's been a minute AND A HALF"

by t'werd October 20, 2011

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