Source Code


Onomatopoeia of a headboard repeatedly striking a wall, ostensibly due to people fucking in the bed that holds said headboard.

I couldn't sleep last night because Jared and his girlfriend in the apartment next to mine were fucking for most of the night. All I heard was "ka-thunk, ka-thunk, ka-thunk", punctuated by an occasional moan or loud request for one party to fuck the other one harder. I let the air out of that faggot's tires for that.

by Nigga Ass Honky August 8, 2010

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when losing the mind and not controlling there self due to overdose in the head may break windows and other glass objects; doing things that never thought were going to happen; or misjudging the word serious

Are you ka-serious rite now?

by Okbar Muhammad The Third September 6, 2011

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Ka-Dean is someone that is very handsome and intelligent. Someone who acts like a real baller but is not. Either way he does good in school, but not on the court. He can get lots of girls and check lots of people with his dancing. Ps. He is bad on the basketball court. but not better than Omari.

Girl; Who is that handsome man
Random Person; That's Ka-Dean the most awesome person in the WORLD

Guy; He is really good at 2k

Other guy; He sucks in real life though

by Ravenger February 26, 2017

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when a Kung-fu dude smashes into 10 planks with his bear hands, he makes this sound

Jet lee, chops a guys head off.... Ka-Kaa

by Louis February 18, 2005

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Ka Chicka

An awesome catch-phrase when killing, or impaling your rival in style. (Dont be a Morosi)


by Ranks December 29, 2011

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Pronounced Ka-dash-ah CUZ THE DASH AINT BE SILENT!

My name is Ka-ah bitch!

by HappyDancer1119919191 May 28, 2009

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Ka Bitch

To strike (with a limb or errant object) a living being with such force they become your bitch. A Ka Bitch must be undisputed and decisive and is usually accompanied by a cry of "KA-BIITCH!!!" Once one is Ka Bitch'd he or she must return the favor in order to undo their status, though usually one who is Ka Bitch'd they will be so confuckulated they won't have the ability or the memory to do so.

Tim: Why's that guy winding up a swing toward that old man's head with a life-sized Budda statue?

Man: "KA-BIIITCH!!!"

Tim: Good Goddamn! He just got Ka Bitch'd! That's old ass man's head is FUCKED!!!

by That Being Over There August 23, 2008

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