Source Code

Keyboard smash

The act of smashing the keys of a keyboard to make a jumble of letters when you get confused angry or annoyed.


Why did you just keyboard smash

by Totally not a cinnamon roll September 25, 2021

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leet keyboard

A Keyboard depicted on a few posters, buttons and other things. It shows a keyboard with keys that say things like "lol" "rofl" "wtf" and other 'leet speak' terms.

Dude, cheak out this leet keyboard

by Kevalan February 27, 2007

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keyboard gremlins

Tiny creatures that inhabit the keyboards of various computers, especially laptops.
They cause people to misspell simple words that would normally be easy to spell. They also cause people to type links to pr0n when they are really trying to show their friends a flash video.

Erca 'Kuzudee: I'm going to lick Becu in the shin.
Erca 'Kuzudee: kick*
Erca 'Kuzudee: OMG teh Keyboard Gremlins...

by Erca 'Kuzudee The Warthog Ninja February 1, 2005

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Keyboard smash

A way to tell if someone is LGBTQ + over text. Many people use keyboard smashes to convey that they are LGBTQ in a subtle way. For example keyboard smashes usually start with the letter A or any random letter and go something like this:

Keyboard smash examples:




by Allthingsgay May 3, 2021

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QWERTY keyboard

A typing tool that you will most likely use to swipe everything on it when you're bored!

- hey! I use a QWERTY keyboard!

- what for?

- `1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./

- what the f*ck

by RadoNaemL September 20, 2021

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the sticky keyboard

Splooging on a co-workers keyboard while they are away from their desk.

Check out Patrick's desk, I just gave him the sticky keyboard...

by angrydragonman April 7, 2006

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Keyboard Ninja

one who is a internet tough guy mostly on social networking sites i.e. myspace,facebook etc. probably someone who needs self assurance and the only way of feeling tough.

Dan: "Hey Mike whats wrong?"

Mike: "im sick of these keyboard ninja's actin hard on the net."

by 907jones February 16, 2008

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