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alright then late

Origin:unknown,- commonly used as an way to interject a dumb, stupid or off the wall comment or remark or person. When used appropriately, it can have devastating effects on individuals such as relationships broken, friendships forever lost, serious injury, and sometimes death. It often has its benefits to ending boring ass conversations with people that aren't interesting. Used within our nation but innovated by the cooler generation of californians that graduated between the years of 06-08, but mainly 07 and that reside or have resided in the 209

1. Girl: but you said you loved it when I picked my nose.
Guy: ....alright then late...

2.Bromontana: I got COD black ops
No homo: can I come over and pwn
Bromontana: hell nah bitch you suck
No homo: alright then late...

3. Sichua: I gave your mom a rim job last night
Tom-A-Hawk: alright then late...

by cups o mally November 12, 2010

6👍 5👎

Late game

When a competitive game, that usually ends in early rounds, lasts longer than it should.

OK, let's go late game!

by DaviDDA April 22, 2017

late game

The act of getting a harnessed 0/0 Dart Monkey

lets go epic late game with the 0/0 darm monkey

by 0/0 dart monkey March 4, 2017

factually late

When the use of a 'fun fact' backfires, as the receiver of said fun fact considers the information to be common knowledge. A play on the phrase 'fashionably late.'

Girl: "My boyfriend always falls asleep after sex, it's so annoying!"
Girl 2: "You know, there's a chemical reaction in mens' brains that causes them to be sleepy after an orgasm? Fun fact!"
Girl: "...Yeah, you're factually late, I've heard that about a million times. It doesn't change that it's annoying."

by Not without dups August 16, 2010

late not latte

not latte

He's late not latte. Not latte.

by November 21, 2021

Late Riser

Late Rise is someone who wakes up from bed really late
But mainly is someone who doesn’t get hard right away as the normal person should

Brenna why is your bf such a late riser
Mom:”Why are you being such a late riser this afternoon

by Ohye1381 November 12, 2021

Daddy Late

Late, the founder of the afl and admin of the afd he is most active in danky wanky. Muhazz, the leader of danky wanky is close friends with late they are partners in shitpost. Late has been banned from discord three times and has been IP banned from the official antifa server. If you see a based meme or edit Late probably made it.

"Goddamn late is so based, I wish I was him."

"I love Hitler almost as much as Daddy late!"

by Lāt3 September 13, 2021