A person who lies from the gate, about everything and anything, often for no useful reason, in any and all directions.. Yes like the Orange Buffoon currently terrorizing this Fascist Republic.
It did not take long to realize that the new CFO was a Fractal Liar.
A dark haired dishonest man from lockport who lies constantly and has an obsession with picking and scratching open sores on his face.
“Hey, have you guys seen the band-aids? I cut my finger”
“No, Ben the liar took the last one for his most recent oozing sore and never told anyone, he’s a fucking liar”
When somebody is blatantly taking steroids but continues to lie about in, sometimes in a tongue-in-cheek way.
Person 1: Did you see how big John got last week?
Person 2: Yeah....he's an anabolic liar. He has track marks all over his butt.
This is said by someone with trust issues. Even though your not lying your still branded a liar.
person 1: Where have you been? person 2: I was working late. person 1: Your a liar!
A person that is quick to say they don’t drink alcohol, but will drink willing when it is available.
Drinker: I heard about this new Gin that is supposed to be really smooth; I’m going to try it out this weekend.
Liquor liar: It is probably not good, plus I don’t drink liquor.
Drinker: You drink with me all the time; you are such a liquor liar.
Describes an individual who makes up outlandish lies for attention and/or clout. People inflicted with the Liar's Touch may deny all evidence discrediting their lies and will get angry when confronted. Symptoms include; vague statements, sobbing for sympathy during a general conversation, and bringing up their fake problems on a daily basis.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with the Liar's Touch, you may be entitled to compensation.
Person 1: "Nick told me his friend moved to New Zealand and died from AIDS!"
Person 2: "No he didn't. Nick has the Liar's Touch."
A guy who tells constant lies and rewards himself by exposing his penis to unco-operative females and has a wank.( usually on bathroom floors with one Kleenex laid out)
a guy who tells a lie " yes I love you and only you" and then quickly has to wank in front of other females is a wankster liar