Source Code

A Literal Boner

A dog bone that looks like a dick.

*in a pet store*
"Oh my god, it's a literal boner!"

Watch as others stare at you awkwardly.

by Finn_Faun February 13, 2022

Literally 1984

When they don't allow cursing in the Discord server

Stupid Mod: That has curse words. It's inappropriate.
Person 1: Literally 1984

by Supercat_Studios August 29, 2023

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

dew liter

a two liter of mountain dew

Jamal:"man lets go down town and get some honeys and that dew liter:

Tykell:" o foo u know we all bout that dew liter and the honeys"

by nctj33 March 2, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 Liter

A fat person, mainly a fat girl

All I want is a nice skinny girl, but all I'm doing is pulling 2 liters.

by Num9 September 1, 2020

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computer illiterate

that old guy is completely e-literate

by The Options July 11, 2008

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Literally 1984

When something happens in 1984

Los Angeles hosted the Olympics in literally 1984

by Idontknowwhattoputherelol1 August 8, 2022

24๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Literal Asian

a Literal Asian is someone who is from anywhere in Asia
And all of Asia.

Q. David's Asian? I though he was Jewish O.O
A. No smart ass, Judaism is a religion, He's Israeli. He's Asian. Israel is in Asia. He's a Literal Asian.

by DaSianMan March 20, 2010

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