An oral sex act performed on Eddie Izzard
He was so great on stage I wanted to lunch love him right there
A word used by certain busy professionals that see clients on a morning and afternoon schedule basis. When your morning session runs into the afternoon session, therfore you have absolutely no time to take a lunch break. When you try take a break, it's done during your afternoon clients scheduled appointments.
Mike was so busy in the morning ar work seeing clients, that he had no time to take a 5-10 minute lunch or even any lunch whatsoever for that matter. He tried to take a break to go to the bathroom or eat something, but only after his afternoon clients already were waiting. He was on NEGATIVE LUNCH!
A lunch you have where your meal is sitting between your legs (in your crotch) when driving. This meal is very common to busy people who have no time to sit down and eat so they drive and eat at the same time.
Person 1: "I have to get to work but i havent eaten yet!"
Person 2: "Run by the McDonalds drive through then"
Person 1: "Damn this is the 4th crotch lunch this week!"
When you get molested by a male teacher during lunch hour.
Mr. Gurrola always liked to lunch pump the football players.
When you pay $5 for a homeless man or woman (your choice) to tongue punch your fart box in an alleyway while you are on lunch break.
Boss: You are five minutes late getting back to work. This is a pattern and cannot continue.
Employee: I’m sorry. I got this guy down by the park that does the best lunch punches so it’s hard to get away.
Boss: Oh that’s ok then. I’ll go with you tomorrow. Maybe we can get a 2 for 1.
When a Smurf vomits
Papa smurf ate some bad sushi then had a blue lunch