M - mentally
A - Affected
T - Teachers
H- Harassing
S - Students
A: Yo I hate our maths teacher.
B: I mean she’s the perfect definition for her subject.
Both: Mentally, Affected,Teachers,Harassing,Students.
M: mental, A: abuse, T: towards H: humans. This is what math is. (i told my math teacher this she thought it was funny)
"John can you please tell me what math is. Shure metal abuse towards humans
The only subject in school which uses more letters than English does.
Teacher: Bob, what does 'gf 'equal in the mathematical equation 'x>ym>0+t/a-g+f=15'?
Bob: .... non existent?
The worst school subject existing in the Earth phase. It was made for nothing.
Teachers say it serves a lot in the future but that in the future will kill you with headaches.
Teacher: You have to study for the math test!
Student: For what? I don't need math to live my life, i have a calculator on my phone.