Like the other definition suggests, Middle America denotes the region of the USA which lies between the two coasts. The term is largely synonymous on the level of meaning with broader uses of "Midwest."
The two terms, however, differ in their connotations. While "Midwest" is a term whose etymology is unclear (what, exactly, is the Midwest in the middle of?), "Middle America" marks the Midwest by contrasting it with the two edges on the east and west. "Middle America," then, always marks its signified term through contrast with the unmarked coasts.
The effect of this contrast is to insult. The term is almost always derogatory, as the other definition shows. "Middle America" is seen as secondary in importance to the coasts, unimportant and not worth knowing, and this attitude is justified through various caricatures: those from "Middle America" are provincial and unsophisticated, etc.
In short: "Middle America" is a perjorative term for the "Midwest."
"Peoria always strikes me as quintessential Middle America: small and unexciting."
57๐ 16๐
When someone is really mad at you so they yell your first and middle name.(v)
Mom: "Betty Louise, did you make this huge dent in the car door?!"
Betty Louise: (on the phone)"Oh man, Sara, I just got middle-named, because my mom found out about the huge dent in the car door."
247๐ 93๐
You cannot make it throughout 2 (or 3 depends) years of this hellhole without atleas experiencing each of the following things atleast once...
1:DRAMA!!! FUCK!!!!
2: Losing one of your good friends from elemntary school because of DRAMA!
3: Not being able to conenctrate on anything because of DRAMA!
4: jacking off in the school bathrooms (u all know uve tried it)
5: Starving all day only to be served food that tastes worse than your shit made by lunch ladies that look like they got radiation sickness.
6: making friends that know you from the inside out, and u can talk to them about anything, they understand all the shit uve been through and they can relate.
7: noticing that teachers are NOT always right, infact they are usually wrong.
8: forming a deep hatred for all establishment and not looking forward to school at all.
9: shitting your brains out after u eat that chili! OH BOY!
10: having a girl touch ur penis when she is high on ecstacy and u dont even kno it.
11: smoking weed!
middle schooler: poor child, u dont kno wat ur in for go fuck urself
287๐ 111๐
where everything sucks.
you don't have to try in middle school, you just pass your classes by being there. you can pull a lot of stuff off in front of the teachers since they all hate you anyway.
lots of kids become emos and goths
the popular people rule everything.
339๐ 134๐
The period of a person's life that falls between youth and wishing you would fucking die. For some the line between middle age and old age is very thin.
Richard Nixon was born middle aged; Madonna achieved middle age when she became irrelevant; Dick Cheney bypassed middle age and went straight to old age as fast as he could get there.
My dad and mom still think they're young, but the sad truth is they hit middle age early in life and won't admit it.
287๐ 111๐
term used to descibe immaturity about such things as sex, drugs and alcohol but is not limited to cheesyness
oh my god there he is!! do i look okay?!
shutup sara, you're so middleschool
104๐ 37๐
The place where under-qualified teachers and coaches that never stop yelling transform you from a sweet innocent 5th grader to either a self-absorbed loud-mouthed jock or a perverted sarcastic freak of nature. They also set you into groups based on how smart you are and make you feel bad about yourself in some way. The only way anybody makes it through the pure torture that you get everyday is the awsome people that you meet and the freedom of extracurricular activities.
mother: billy, you've been making more and more bad choices since you started middle school.
billy: of course i have, middle school does that to you.
36๐ 10๐