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This is a common slang in South Florida that means to be doing too much. Generally this excessiveness is followed by either feeling like a bully or that you overreacted.

If you mutt often you’re either a very scary person or you feel a need to defend yourself often and overdo it. Also, if somebody says you mutted then they most likely would want you to stop that behavior.

Ex 1:
Person 1: Yo did you hear Josh shot that gas station clerk dead during the robbery.
Person 2: Damn what’s wrong with Josh, that man mutted.
Ex 2:

Person 1: I’m gonna talk to Ian since I don’t like how he was speaking to my girl.
Person 2: Alright that’s fine, just try not to mutt and start something.
Person 1: Shut up, he was talkin to my girl, I’ll mutt if I want to.

by South Florida Slang January 15, 2023


Mutt is a person that makes ships for fun. Mutt is animatior and artist. She is a funny person that makes jokes of Jayden the street diaper. Mutt is the lord of jokes to the street diaper aka Jayden.

Mutt is as a FANFIC

by Furry Feisty March 1, 2019


A man with many casual sexual partners

He’s just a mutt trying to get with us slut

by AngelPruet March 26, 2021


A term used in south Florida that means to beat up.

"Imma mutt you if you don't shut the fuck up."

by Common Miamian July 29, 2017


Police slang... Basic identifying information (name, DOB, address) is called "pedigree" information... Individuals unwilling/unable to provide such information have no "pedigree"... Hence, "Mutts"..

Sergeant: Did you get the pedigree on the drunk in Cell 3??

Patrolman: Naw, he's out of it... He's a mutt...

by Ptm368 November 7, 2020


A mutt who sucks in a videogame, and crys about it
Basically saying hes a dog, bad as a dog but dog is worse
Sbeve is a mutt

Sbeve is a mutt, cant 1v1 only 7v1 bozo.

by Sbeveisamutt December 8, 2021


a person who's annoying or an idiot

get lost you mutt

by SimonCrane March 4, 2021