Source Code

National send nudes day

A day where you can use this pass to revive a nude from everyone and anyone.

This list ranges from-





And more
Only works on October 6th

Person 1:Hey so today is national send nudes day….do you wanna take part?

Person 2: Hell yeah! Imma send one over if you send it.

by Daddymilker1603 October 6, 2021

National send Nudes day

National send Nudes day tales place april 23. This day is When you send Nudes to someone you are comfortable with like a girlfriend or best friend.

Its national send Nudes day today

by Onetimewonder April 22, 2018

National Send Nudes Day

April 25th is the day you send nudes to someone you trust and feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, cousin, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.

Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!
*sends nudes to Person 1*

by Lord of Nudes April 25, 2020

National Send Nudes Day

Where you send nudes to the last person you texted, or to the person you like

Heyy Kate it’s national send nudes day so you gotta send me something?

by ObvAnonymous 3891@69”)@6 April 17, 2020

National Send Nudes Day

April 20th when u send nudes to ur partner.
1. Sending unclothed pics of yourself to a person

Hey its national send nudes day can i get some

by Punegod April 21, 2019

National send nudes day

April 15is the day you send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.

Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!

*sends nudes to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!

*sends nudes to Person 1*

by Freak-_- April 15, 2019

National send nudes day

April 23rd is the day you send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.

Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!
*sends nudes to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!

*sends nudes to Person 1*

by Reese3521 April 23, 2018