When someone is interested in you but you can’t tell if it’s legit or not
He definitely has some sus interest for me
Totally not interesting except in the context of your job.
Them: Form 825 specifies that non-tenant applications aren't allowed to perform the actions specified in ISO-8501.
You: Work-Interesting!
An unfair-to-the-customer motivation that money-hungry banks have to maintain someone's having to make payments on a loan for as long as possible.
I borrowed a thousand dollars from a local credit-union so that I could pay some local tradespeople to perform much-needed repairs on my home and vehicle. But then as it turned out, these "over-booked with repair-jobs" folks were not able to get to my repairs as soon as they'd expected, and so I didn't need the loaned money nearly so soon as I'd thought I would; I realized that I'd likely be able to pay the carpenters and mechanics "on my own" just with extra-frugality-saved funds over the next few months. So I merely returned the thousand dollars to the credit union within just two or three months after I'd taken out the loan; the clerk seemed none to pleased, since they'd only made about 22 bucks extra in the deal, instead of maybe close to a hundred if I'd taken a year to pay it all back, the way they had expected me to. Guess there was a little conflict of interest there.
its when a girl uncrosses her legs
Don't call me or put me down unless we have sufficient open interest.
Mixed interest you have on football, cricket and other TV shows on air.
A wants to watch FIFA world cup, B wants to watch Cricket , C wants to watch Good Morning America & D is okay with any of the show coz he has a mixed interest on all above.
Jonny : Put the channel back on FIFA World Cup.
Michael : Put it back on Cricket, its between England & S.Africa.
Ronny : I want to watch Good Morning America
John : Guys, do whatever you want, i have potato interest, but get back to one channel ASAP.
A superficial interest in an obscure subject, often motivated by the consumption of weed.
Bobby: Maybe Joe knows the answer to your astronomy homework question
Tim: No f**g way, that's just his pot interest.
The exponential growth from positive professional experiences and jobs that grow over the years.
Warren: So cool you got this great new job from a contact you made almost 20 years ago.
Bruce: Ya, I met her at a networking event in 2006 right after my first promotion to get invited a trade show she hosted. Love that we stayed in touch and she recommended me for this role.
Warren: That's White Collar Compound Interest paying off, Brosef.