She sent me nudes but we've only met once so she hit me with the business nudes. Just ONE(1) nipple.
When you send nudes to your friends but just for the meme
You can you send me some meme nudes
When you get a picture that's seductive enough to jerk it to but not actually a nude.
Just got half a nipple from Katie mother fucking Cooper. Technical Nude!
On every Sunday of the year if you receive a text with the context "(Nude Sunday)" you are obligated to send a nude despite your gender. Use at your own risk. Can only be used once per sunday.
Person 1: Nude Sunday
Person 2: I hate you *sends nude*
Nudes that have been sent around school multiple times the "leftovers" are faped to by other users
Can have the leftover nudes pls
No nudes november,
meaning that No guys/girls are allowed to send nudes during the Month (November)
you will be stuck and your erection will be gone.
No nudes november, stay neutral