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Mayfield, Ny

A town located near the Great Sacandaga Lake, Ny. It is so tiny that everyone forget it exists. When they do remember, they groan. The town is nothing but one giant cult run by one family. Yes, family members make babies with one another and they slaughter any outsider who passes through their territory.

Stay away from Mayfield, Ny.

by Yoyoyoyoyoyo666 December 29, 2022

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rensselaer, ny

A small, heroin infested city outside of Albany, consumed by hatered toward anyone not from Rensselaer. Looking for a good time? Don't go down to Derailed, the bar people go drink at to make single mothers feel special for the night. Expect to see Benyamen riding a tractor with your mom on a hot sunny day down East Street!

Let's go to Rensselaer, ny to smoke meth and hail Satan!

by Rusty Shakerfurr April 6, 2017

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Carmel NY

A town located in Putnam County, New York.
Full of a bunch of low life, scumbag, drug fiends.
People from Carmel think they are hard, but there a bunch of vaginas.
Carmel High School mascot was recently changed to a Rat due to all of the snitch little bitches that run the streets.
If you are from Carmel NY i suggest that you "off" yourself as soon as possible.

Steve- yo Carmel NY has a high suicide rate.

Tom- Yeah, I would kill myself if I lived there as well.

Jack- dude, Justin from Carmel NY just overdosed!

Steve- Figures.

by AMP- Get at me. July 4, 2011

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NY Yankees

A bunch of overpaid dick sucking faggots that can't win a world series even though they try to buy it.

The NY Yankees are a team with over paid Niggers, Gooks, Spicks and cracker, everyone should hate this ethnic cookie of a team.

by tito santana June 10, 2007

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freeport ny

Deadass the wildest place you'll ever be in, also the dumbest place.

That party was so Freeport NY

by Z.D. December 22, 2016

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NY Giants

A Shitty football team that will blow a huge lead any day of the week.

1. In 2003, Kerry Collins and the NY Giants had a 24 point over the San Francisco 49ers. They lost the game 39-38 to Jeff Garcia and the San Francisco 49ers. And if you did not notice, Jeff Garcia is a horrible Quarterback.

2. In 2010, Eli Manning nd the NY Giants had a 21 point lead over the Philadelphia Eagles at Halftime and and after a pair of split touchdowns, still had a 21 point lead with 8 minutes to play. They Ultimately lost 38-31 after the Eagles scored 28 4th Quarter points in 8:00 minutes. BTW Eagles are in the Playoff Sucka!

O and BTW, you may have beaten Brady in the Superbowl when you had your chance, but our future is brighter than yours with Michael Vick as Quarterback.

by Eagles 2011 SB Champs January 4, 2011

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Oriskany NY

A shit hole of a town located between Rome and Utica NY. Known for being very small and being scummy as fuck

Hey man you ever been to Oriskany NY?

What’s Oriskany?

by Fuck Oriskany NY January 2, 2019

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