Source Code

100 O'Clock

too late or too long

We didn't get home from that party until 100 O'Clock.

It already feels like 100 O'Clock.

This conference lasts until 100 O'Clock.

by smartypants2011 May 17, 2011

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naked o'clock

The time of night/morning at a party when everyone takes their clothes off.....for fun.....for fun.

fucking yasssssssss, naked o'clock, git yer fud oot.

geez a swatch ae yer tits, its naked o'clock

oi, maw, its that time again.........

by Robho January 17, 2008

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the 8 o'clock

A term that was coined during our college years.
When you see someone that you know but you don't feel like talking to them, you do what you would do at 8 o'clock in the morning on your way to class (probably after a heavy night of drinking and a keg stand or two) and you are absolutely not in the mood for small talk, you look down or pretend not to see them.

Dude 1: "I saw Jane on the street yesterday."
Dude 2: "Did you say hello?"
Dude 1: "Uh, no! I wasn't in the mood, I gave her the 8 o'clock ."
Dude 2: "Do you think she saw you?"
Dude 1: "Do I care?"

by Nick and Amy B. September 8, 2007

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Tree O'clock

Term used to describe any time when you will go to smoke Marajuana.

"Common man! Get the pot out, It's Tree O'clock!"

by Nick Farrand April 15, 2006

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Dog O'Clock

The time at which it is most appropriate to engage in anal intercourse

Man: "I believe it is Dog O'Clock!"
Woman: "I believe it is! Well, in you go"

by Old Gregorian Calender August 19, 2009

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6 o'clock

The time at which the 6ix gang makes their daily traverse to 6

"hey McGarry do you know what time it is?'
"its 6 o'clock."

by LemonComputerGuy April 11, 2019

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Indian o'Clock

The time when the night shift workers, usually Indians, come on to work.

Oh look at the time, 10 o'clock, Indian o'Clock!

by jlmrhcp1992 January 14, 2010

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