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buffalo hunt

v. - involves a group of buddys at a bar trying to win the bet of who can 'entertain' the nastiest, biggest, woman at the bar that night.

holy shit, i don't believe travis went so low in order to win the buffalo hunt at city limits last weekend.

by JayRyder October 2, 2005

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butt hunting

what u do when u run out of cigarettes.

Im outta smokes so im gonna go butt hunting.

by sn0man November 21, 2007

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Rocket Hunting

When you and friends go looking for a good looking girl, often found in a group of women who are no where near her looks.

Hey bro, what are you up to tonight? Want to go rocket hunting?

by Ajb62798 December 18, 2017

Hunting Waldo

Hunting the elusive "Waldo" Weed. Waldo Weed is found in Southern California, and is hydroponically grown with a genetic modification that makes this particular brand of sativa off the hook.

Dude, let's get some killer weed, let's go Hunting Waldo.

by Bloeme November 28, 2009

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URL Hunting

The act of searching for an internet adress at a specific domain, for example to find hidden uploaded files.

Dude, I was URL Hunting the other day on urbandictionary.com and I found this awesome game!

by Hideous September 10, 2008

pig hunt

A contest between guys(or girls)to pick up and then screw the uglest girl (or guy)in the bar.
This is better done in a town far,far from your own,and NOT under the influence of Jagermeister.
This is also alot more fun when the people you compete against are better-looking than you.

At 1am,it's a pig hunt,or stop and by a copy of Swank before goin' home

by Woodland Hunter July 30, 2008


The act of wandering the street's with the hope of attracting female's with eye-fucks or any other gesture's towards the female.

Chris: Dude, where did Ruben meet that delightful young lady?

Kon: He met her while babe-hunting.

by HehHowie November 20, 2007